Release Masters of the Universe in High Quality Video..
Now you can see Masters of the Universe in best quality with duration 106 Min and was released on 1987-08-07 with MPAA rating is 56.- Title Of Movie : Masters of the Universe
- Genres of movie : Action, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Adventure, Thriller,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1987-08-07
- Companies of movie : Cannon Group,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 106 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.2
- Youtube ID of movie : CF20B8p4F08
- Translation of movie : EN,IT,FR,DE,ES,PT,CS,RU,SV,DA,NL,
- Actors of movie :Dolph Lundgren (He-Man), Frank Langella (Skeletor), Meg Foster (Evil-Lyn), Billy Barty (Gwildor), Courteney Cox (Julie Winston), Robert Duncan McNeill (Kevin Corrigan), Jon Cypher (Man At Arms), Chelsea Field (Teela), James Tolkan (Detective Lubic), Christina Pickles (Sorceress), Tony Carroll (Beast Man), Pons Maar (Saurod), Anthony De Longis (Blade), Robert Towers (Karg), Barry Livingston (Charlie)
Movie synopsis of :
Release Masters of the Universe in HD Format with movie summary "The world of Eternia in the aftermath of Skeletor's war on Castle Grayskull, which he has won after seizing Grayskull and the surrounding city using a cosmic key developed by the locksmith Gwildor. The Sorceress is now Skeletor's prisoner and he begins to drain her life-force as he waits for the moon of Eternia to align with the Great Eye of the Universe that will bestow god-like power upon him." in high definition format. Watch full Masters of the Universe in Best Quality.
... Full Masters of the Universe in High Definition Format 1080p ...
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Director : Gary Goddard, Screenplay : David Odell, Producer : Yoram Globus, Producer : Menahem Golan, Executive Producer : Edward R. Pressman, Original Music Composer : Bill Conti, Director of Photography : Hanania Baer, Editor : Anne V. Coates
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