Release Pineapple Express in High Definition Format..
Now you can watch full Pineapple Express in best video format with duration 111 Min and was released on 2008-08-06 and MPAA rating is 422.- Title Of Movie : Pineapple Express
- Genres of movie : Action, Comedy,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2008-08-06
- Companies of movie : Columbia Pictures, Apatow Productions,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 111 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.5
- Youtube ID of movie : wBSg5HOpXgs
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,IT,TR,PT,FR,RU,ES,SV,HU,EL,NL,PL,ZH,CS,SR,SK,BG,HE,
- Actors of movie :Seth Rogen (Dale Denton), James Franco (Saul Silver), Danny McBride (Red), Kevin Corrigan (Budlofsky), Gary Cole (Ted), Rosie Perez (Carol), Amber Heard (Angie Anderson), Adam Crosby (Ack), Dana Lee (Cheung), Brian Scannell (Carrie Longwood), Craig Robinson (Matheson), Ed Begley Jr. (Robert), Nora Dunn (Shannon), Joe Lo Truglio (Mr. Edwards), Arthur Napiontek (Clark), Cleo King (Police Liaison Officer), Bill Hader (Private Miller), James Remar (General Bratt), Ken Jeong (Ken), Bobby Lee (Bobby), Connie Sawyer (Faye Belogus), David McDivitt (Cop with Mole), Mae LaBorde (Mrs. Mendelson), John Robert Tramutola (Walt), Andrew Heald (Blake), Jeannetta Arnette (Sandra Danby), Jonathan Spencer (Scientist)
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Movie synopsis of :
Watch full Pineapple Express in Best Quality with movie plot "A stoner and his dealer are forced to go on the run from the police after the pothead witnesses a cop commit a murder." in top quality. Watch full Pineapple Express in Best Quality.
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Director : David Gordon Green, Screenplay : Seth Rogen, Screenplay : Evan Goldberg, Executive Producer : Seth Rogen, Executive Producer : Evan Goldberg, Director of Photography : Tim Orr, Set Decoration : Chris L. Spellman, Editor : Craig Alpert, Costume Design : John A. Dunn, Music : Graeme Revell, Casting : Kerry Barden, Casting : Suzanne Smith Crowley, Casting : Billy Hopkins, Producer : Judd Apatow, Producer : Shauna Robertson, Story : Judd Apatow, Story : Seth Rogen, Story : Evan Goldberg
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